

Education Wide Range of Courses Australian education system offers over 12,000 internationally recognized courses which are of world class standard


CRICOS (Common wealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students). It is the unique code given to the Various Universities/Institutes and the courses by the Australian Government which is registered for Providing Education to Overseas Students

Types of Institutes

The Australian education system is broadly divided into the university, vocational, school and English language sectors.

TAFE ( Technical and Further Education) Institutes

There is a state-based system of vocational training, higher than colleges, known as TAFE Institutes and many trades conduct apprenticeships for training new trades people.

Vocational Institutions

Vocational Institutions are closely linked with industry, making courses very practical and skill-based. Vocational courses are provided at both the government-funded TAFE institutes and at private institutions. Some universities also offer vocational courses.

Dual Degree Programs

Australian education system offers dual degree Masters Programs. For Example a Student who is interested both in Engineering and MBA can do Dual degree program which includes both the subjects.

Path Way Programs

If a student does not fulfill the entry criteria for particular course in a particular university, he can opt for a path way course through which he can continue his further studies in the desired field. The Group of Eight (Go8)It is a coalition of leading Australian universities, intensive in research and comprehensive in general and professional education.

The following Universities come under G08:

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)Australia has a special system of health cover for international students called OSHC. You will need to buy OSHC before you come to Australia to cover you from when you arrive. The department of Immigration and Citizenship requires you to maintain OSHC for the duration of your time on a student visa in Australia.

Study in Canada

Education Synopsis

Education in Canada is provided, funded and overseen by federal, provincial, and local governments. Canada's education system is excellent and ranks among the best in the world. Moreover Canadian tuition fees are among the lowest in English-speaking countries. Canada boasts a wide range of quality educational institutions for both degrees and diplomas in technical and professional disciplines.

Type of Institutions

The education system in Canada encompasses both publicly-funded and private schools, including:

High spending on Education

High per capita income spender on education in G-7 countries. Canada spends more per capita on education than any other country in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Number of Institutions

Canada offers a wide choice of over 90 universities and 150 colleges and technical institutes, featuring virtually every program imaginable.

Excellent health care compared to other countries, medical insurance is inexpensive in Canada yet the services that Canadian hospitals provide are among some of the most advanced and accessible in the world.

New Zealand Overview


All the national institutions are audited and monitored by New Zealand Quality Assurance (NZQA) to ensure the best standards of quality learning. Only those tertiary qualifications and providers that are quality assured by a quality approval body are eligible for Government financial assistance. Quality assurance bodies decide whether providers and qualification developers meet appropriate standards.

Types of Institutes

Courses are available for academic, professional and vocational studies at New Zealand institutions - universities, polytechnics and institutes of technology, colleges of education, secondary schools and private training establishments.

Numbers of Institutions

There are currently 36 public tertiary education institutions, including eight universities, twenty-one institutes of technology and polytechnics, four colleges of education.

Industry Training Organizations

Industry Training Organizations are bodies that represent particular industry sectors. Industry Training Organizations develop and maintain national unit (skill) standards and qualifications for their sector. They also facilitate on-job training and contract training providers to offer off-job training and courses. New Zealand offers a safe learning environment with excellent study opportunities and support services for international students.

Health Services

International students have the student Health services schemes which help them while sick in New Zealand.

UK Overview


High Quality Qualifications QAA(Quality Assurance Agency) and RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)Types of Institutes Higher education is provided by three main types of institutions:


The various qualifications offered by universities in the UK can be broadly classified into four divisions like degree courses, vocational training, diplomas and postgraduate courses

Vocational Courses

One popular vocational qualification for overseas students is the BTEC Higher National Diploma - better known as an HND - which can be studied in a wide range of vocational areas. HNDs not only give students the necessary theoretical knowledge in a subject, but also teach them skills they can apply in the workplace. After a two-year course (or three year sandwich course), HND students will have gained appropriate skills for the world at work - either here or back in their native country - and are highly valued by employers.

Types of teaching and learning Methods

The teaching and learning method mostly includes:

In many UK institutions students are assigned to an individual tutor whose role is to provide academic advice, personal counseling and guidance on support services.

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